Book: Power of Moments
Quick notes from “The Power of Moments:Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact” book by Chip and Dan Heath….
First Day Experience: Neglecting employee first day is a huge missed opportunity. It is a transition point. Transitions deserve attention. Create emotional connection with employees from first day.
Example: John Deere First Day Experience > After you accept the offer, you receive an email from a new colleague with tips on what to wear, where to park, where to eat. On arrival, you are greeted with cup of coffee and a warm welcome from the colleague. The front desk LCD display says “Welcome” to new employees, and a welcome email is waiting in your inbox, with a video on the mission of the organization. Your day includes meetings and you colleagues take you to lunch. You have an appointment with your boss. Make employees feel they matter.
Create moments that matter. Defining moments that are memorable and meaningful.
Life is measured in moments, defining moments endure in our memory.
These moments are often grand in scale, rich in emotions
Construct elevated moments, engineered moments.
When we reflect back, we primarily recall highlights, everything else fades.
We can be the designers of defining moments, cultivate moments that create connection and elevate.